
Azerbaijan is a Safe, Stable Country with Good Infrastructures

An interview with Mr. Mario Baldi , Italian Ambassador to Azerbaijan AT: Mr. Ambassador, could you please share with our readers your ideas about the establishment and development of Italy -Azerbaijani relations? Our relations find their roots in the history,

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EBRD Significantly Boosted its Investments and Activities in Azerbaijan in Recent Years

An interview with Francis Delaey, Country Manager of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Azerbaijan. AT: Could you please speak for us about the history of opening of the EBRD? Who are the founders? The European Bank for Reconstruction

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Statoil with our Participation in ACG, Shah Deniz, BTC and SCP is Proud to Have Contributed to these Developments

An interview with Lars T. Sorensen President, Statoil Azerbaijan. AT: Statoil has been functioning in Azerbaijan since 1992. How much have you invested in exploration, production and infrastructure projects in Azerbaijan as the participator of all important energy projects of

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Yngve Slyngstad: The Fund is Not Ear Marked for Pension Expenditures

Exclusie interview with Yngve Slyngstad, Managing Director, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund AT: Mr. Managing Director, the Government Pension Fund has existed for over 21 years. What would you like to underline in the activities of the fund up to

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Trans Adriatic Pipeline: The Missing Link in the Southern Gas Corridor

Azerbaijan Today’s interview with Kjetil Tungland, Managing Director of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline AT: The background to the TAP (Trans Adriatic Pipeline): why the need and what are the benefits? Europe has in the last couple of years repeatedly expressed

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Switzerland Holds a Unique Political System and Our System Came from The Influence of Our History

An interview with Ms Sabine Ulman Shaban, Ambassador of the Switserland to Azerbaijan AT: This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Azerbaijan. Are you satisfied with the level of political and economic

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Energy is an Area in Which Azerbaijan and the EU Share a Mutual Interest

Rovshan Pashazadeh’s interview with Ambassador Roland KOBIA, Head of Delegation of the European Union to Azerbaijan A.T.: If there were not Nabucco on the agenda of European Union, how important player would be Azerbaijan in the energy policy of EU?

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Azerbaijan is Indeed the Largest and Most Prosperous State in the South Caucasus.

An Interview with Mr. Peter Bateman, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Azerbaijan. AT: Mr. Bateman, diplomatic relations between the United Kingdom and the Azerbaijan Republic have historical roots. These relations began at the time of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

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I Believe Azerbaijan is Becoming Increasingly Aware of The Importance of Ever Closer Ties with Europe

Exclusive interview with Herbert Quelle, Ambassador of Germany to Azerbaijan.AT: Mr. Ambassador, are you satisfied with today’s German-Azerbaijani relations? How does Germany see its future policy towards Azerbaijan? Our bilateral relations are close and trustful. They cover all areas you

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Terrorism Can be Defeated, Probably Piecemeal, but I Doubt that it Can be Eliminated Entirely.

Exclusive interview with Mr. Stanley Escudero, vice-president of American Chamber of Commerce in AzerbaijanBy Rovshan Pashzadeh AT: The whole world was shocked by the terrorist attack on Baku’s Oil Academy on 30 April, which took the lives of a dozen

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