Switzerland Sees Potential in Strengthening Co-op with Azerbaijan in Energy Field
Switzerland sees potential in strengthening its ties with Azerbaijan in the field of energy, Muriel Peneveyre, Ambassador of Switzerland to Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan told Trend.
Peneveyre noted that this in particular applies to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
“Switzerland has many providers of innovative energy technologies. As the energy transition advances in Switzerland and many countries, these companies see growing opportunities in markets offering attractive investment conditions,” she said.
She noted however that the development of concrete cooperation projects between Azerbaijani and Swiss companies depends on the mutual interest of these companies.
Cooperation in the field of energy has a special place and importance in Azerbaijan-Switzerland’s economic relations.
In this regard, “Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of Energy between Azerbaijan and Switzerland” serves to expand relations in the relevant field.
State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan has petrol stations in Switzerland and along with economic benefit, it plays an important role in the introduction of Azerbaijan.